Sunday, July 09, 2006

Finally have a few minutes to write. Went to Kansas City on Monday and returned on Wednesday. I would have loved to just stay there forever, or bring the baby back with me. Look at her - she will be 4 weeks old on Tuesday. She is such a cutie and a very good baby.

Sadly, Lisa - my DIL - got very sick on the fourth and has to have her gallbladder removed soon. I hope, she feels a lot better afterwards. She was in really bad shape last week.

I finished my first bag today and took a picture, but did not have time to upload it yet.
It will surely be there next time. I also finished one sock last Sunday and have to upload that picture. Nothing else is new here. I am very busy with all my small projects and will keep on posting as time permits. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think, that you commit an error. Write to me in PM.