Sunday, February 09, 2014

Retirement on 1/31/2014

Yes, I retired a few days ago. After almost 48 years, it feels different not to have to get up in the morning and get ready to go to work. No bad though, I actually like it very much. Finally, I have time to work on all the projects I have been saving up for years. Finally, I can use up the gigantic stash of yarns and patterns I have been collecting. Now all I have to do is stay healthy. Oh, I will continue to work from home a little bit but not until I get a little bored. My little granddaughter is almost 8 years old now and will have a baby sister in the next few days. We are excited about that and John and I will go to Missouri to see the baby for Easter as long as there is no snow or ice in Missouri. A month later we are planning a trip to Germany to visit my family and attend the wedding of our grandson at the beginning of June. I hope to be able to visit all of my friends while I am there and do a little shopping. So, now I can promise to post a lot of my crafty projects and I might even open and online store - but that is still in the future - we'll see.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! - Frohe Ostern!

Hard to believe I have not been here for so long. Happy Easter everybody. So many things have changed since I've last been here but now I am on the countdown to retirement. January 31, 2014 will be my last day of work! I can't wait to finally be able to do all the things that I wanted to do for years. Our granddaughter, from the beginning of the blog is now almost 7 years old and in 1st grade. We are very proud of her. Her sister is getting ready for High School already. Just don't know where all the time went. John had some health issues but recovered well. We keep finding friends from long, long ago on the internet and are happy about that. Of course, we are on Facebook! Will add a few newer pictures and promise to be back soon. Here's Gabby at the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade. And Patrick our grandson with his friend, who came to visit in September 2012. ... more next time!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A very late Christmas picture of Gabby here. I am just so far behind this year. Very sorry about that.

I've had this nasty virus since the beginning of December and am finally better. None of the meds I got worked at all, and they included antibiotics and steroids. Figures, give it enough time and it will go away by itself. Where did I hear that before I wonder?

Anyhow, its back to English on my blog for now.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009

Es ist schon wieder 'mal August!

Kaum zu glauben, aber es geht wieder mal stark auf Weihnachten zu. Hier sind ein paar meiner neuesten Handarbeiten.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Language - Sprache

Ich hab mich entschlossen meinen Blog mehr auf deutsch zu schreiben, weil ich im Moment in mehr deutschsprachigen Gruppen bin.
Letztes Wochenende war ich in Kansas City, MO und hab dort den 3. Geburtstag meiner Enkelin gefeiert. Sie ist immer noch ein grosser Elmo Fan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gabby!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Joined more groups

I know, I should slow down some but ...

Had to start knitting patches for a new blanket and went back to crochet a bag.
I'm also working on a baktus scarf...

... and got this cute picture of Gabby and want to share it.

It's almost Memorial Day and I want to wish all of my cyberfriends a safe and happy holiday.